Home > Sample Financial Statements > Incorporated Company

Incorporated Company

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You can download this group of statements for your own use with Adagio FX or Adagio Ledger by clicking here. The downloaded statements are stored in a ZIP file and should be unzipped into a directory for use. In Adagio FX, statements being with AF!, while Adagio Ledger statements begin GL!. In the Financial Reporter, you can use File | Import to retrieve statements between programs. In the file names below, the file prefix has been eliminated.

Index to Financial Statements

File: 3Cover.SAM

Notes: Cover page, including a company logo and graphics. Company name automatically retrieved from the data. Includes a manually generated table of contents.
Balance Sheet

File: 3Balance.SAM

Notes: Two column prior quarter comparative balance sheet, including retained earnings and a single director's signature block.
Retained Earnings Statement

File: 3RetainedEarnings.SAM

Notes: Two column prior quarter comparative statement of retained earnings.
Income Statement

File: 3Income.SAM

Notes: Two column prior quarter comparative income statement. Includes Opening and Closing Inventory. Expenses summarized to single line and scheduled in the attached notes (note 7).
Cash Flow Statement

File: 3Cashflow.SAM

Notes: Two column prior quarter comparative Statement of Cashflows.
Notes to Financial Statements -- Page 1

File: 3Notes-1.SAM

Notes: Description of business, significant accounting policies, depreciation methods.
Notes to Financial Statements -- Page 2

File: 3Notes-2.SAM

Notes: Securities, Inventories and Shareholder loans.
Notes to Financial Statements -- Page 3

File: 3Notes-3.SAM

Notes: Cost and accumulated amortization of property, plants and equipment. Intangible Assets.
Notes to Financial Statements -- Page 4

File: 3Notes-4.SAM

Notes: Long term debt.

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