Home > Sample Financial Statements > Not for Profit Society

Not for Profit Society

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You can download this group of statements for your own use with Adagio FX or Adagio Ledger by clicking here. The downloaded statements are stored in a ZIP file and should be unzipped into a directory for use. In Adagio FX, statements being with AF!, while Adagio Ledger statements begin GL!. In the Financial Reporter, you can use File | Import to retrieve statements between programs. In the file names below, the file prefix has been eliminated.

Financial Statements (Cover Sheet)

File: 1Cover.SAM

Company name and address automatically retrieved from the data set.
Auditor's Report (Cover Sheet)

File: 1Cover.SAM

Audit letter worded for a not for profit society. Society name automatically retrieved from the data.
Balance Sheet

File: 1Balance.SAM

Balance sheet with signing blocks for two directors.
Income Statement

File: 1Income.SAM

Basic statement of revenue and expenses. Expense items summarized to single lines and refer to attached schedules.
Statement of Cash Flows

File: 1Cashflow.SAM

Statement of Cash flows.
Notes to Financial Statements

File: 1Notes.SAM

Descriptions of amortization and accounting rules.
Schedules of Expenses

File: 1Schedules.SAM

Schedules from the Income Statement, automatically generated to detail the accounts summarized on the main statement.

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